Acute and chronic management of cardiovascular conditions

Millions of people suffer from cardiovascular (CV) diseases.1,2 管理这些患者的护理可能很复杂,因为他们发生相关并发症和合并症的风险增加,例如 chronic kidney disease (CKD), 心力衰竭(HF) 以及其他条件.3,4 识别风险因素并及早干预,重点关注生活方式的改变,有助于预防心血管疾病.1,5,6

Preventing cardiovascular disease and events while managing risk factors

Without proper risk management and preventative care, the rates of CV disease and related events may continue to rise.1 许多风险因素导致了这一高峰,包括人口老龄化和其他相关的健康问题,如肥胖, 糖尿病, hypertension and dyslipidaemia (high cholesterol).1,5,7,8 然而,早期管理这些风险可以帮助预防或减缓心血管疾病和事件的发生.9,10

Some risk factors for CV disease and its related conditions such as HF are less well-known, including transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis (ATTR).11 一个亚型, transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM), 当一种叫做转甲状腺素(ATTR)的蛋白质错误折叠并在器官中堆积时,就会发生这种情况, which can cause 心 failure.11


其他医生, such as primary care physicians (PCPs), may see at-risk CV disease patients before cardiologists, so education and awareness of CV risk factors is critical. Although prevention is key for these patients and clinicians, an early diagnosis is the next most important step.12

诊断后, 不同临床医生之间的协调护理和沟通可以更安全, and more effective patient care.6,13 协调可以包括临床医生之间的沟通和知识共享, facilitating care transitions, creating proactive care plans, 监测随访并将患者与适当的资源联系起来,帮助他们坚持治疗和改变生活方式.6,13 通过协调, 医疗保健专业人员可以帮助患者获得更安全、更有效的护理,以改善结果.6,13

临床医生还应该预测他们的病人在遵循他们的护理计划时可能面临的挑战,这样他们就可以帮助消除当前医疗保健环境中的任何障碍. Barriers to treatment adherence may include cultural beliefs, 缺乏获得护理的机会, low health education and more.13 If clinicians anticipate these needs, 他们可以与患者一起工作,并确定其他资源,以帮助建立坚实的基础,确保慢性病护理措施到位,防止心血管疾病的发展.13,14

Cardiovascular disease requires both acute and chronic care approaches

Despite efforts to detect CV disease or identify its risk factors early, 一些病人仍然可以从裂缝中溜走,可能在紧急情况下得到治疗甚至诊断.11 在这些情况下, 患者的治疗通常采取急性或紧急方法,以便在短期内稳定患者,然后再转介给心脏病专家或其他临床医生进行慢性治疗.15-17

Improving pathways to care for cardiovascular patients

预防心血管疾病和早期发现是挽救生命的干预措施,需要医疗保健专业人员的终身承诺. 协调护理, educating patients and clinicians, 解决诊断心血管疾病的障碍可以帮助预防进展并改善数百万受这些疾病影响的结果.18

澳门葡京网赌游戏, 澳门葡京赌博游戏致力于推进科学,以帮助保护患有心血管疾病及其相关并发症和合并症的人. 澳门葡京赌博游戏致力于提高所有患者对心血管疾病的认识和了解,以降低心血管疾病死亡和住院的风险.




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Date of preparation: March 2023